Unhealthy Relationships

What is it?

Many people want healthy relationships in their lives, but defining a healthy relationship can be difficult because healthy relationships can look differently. Relationships are informed by one’s cultural identity, relationship history, and a range of factors, so they can vary in terms of closeness, purpose, and meaning. Signs of an unhealthy relationship may include a partner feeling persistently jealous, pressuring the other to be sexual, or one partner controlling or manipulating another.

What can help?

Direct and respectful communication is the most effective way to communicate with your partner. This is often easier said than done, but it can help minimize conflict by having both partners express their needs, wants, hopes, and desires. It is important that you and your partner openly listen to each other and understand what the other is saying. This can help build trust and respect in your relationship, get your needs met, and prevent emotions from escalating.


We offer a variety of services where students can explore cultivating healthy relationships. Browse our services here.

One popular group therapy option is called Creating Healthy Relationships for students who are interested in learning about their relationship with themselves and with others in their lives. Learn more here.