As you may know, recreational marijuana use was legalized in Oregon this past year for those 21 or older. Though cannabis use is still not allowed on campus, this change in legal status provides a great time to reflect on the role it plays in your life — or the life of someone you care about. While many people use pot without any serious problems, others find that their use leads to unwelcome changes in their physical or mental health. Cannabis may have a reputation as being a “soft” drug, but dependency can develop just as with any other substance.
I’d like to use this blog post to guide you through some questions to help you better understand your use. Reflecting on your use of marijuana may provide an opportunity to heighten your awareness and give you a greater sense of control around why and when you choose to use or not to. For those whose use is problematic, this reflection may serve as an opportunity to take action and reduce potential harm.
Ask the question: Why do I smoke? Take some time to explore what you see as the benefits of smoking in your life. Cannabis may play a variety of roles in one’s life, some of which may feel beneficial and others that might be getting in your way. In what situations do you find yourself using cannabis most frequently? What are the reasons you smoke at these times? Does your use help you feel more able to connect with peers? To reduce unwanted feelings of anxiety or sadness? To help you sleep?
What has changed since you started smoking? It is common for marijuana user’s habits to change over time. This may mean more frequent or less frequent use, or spending an increasing amount of time smoking or engaging in cannabis related activities. Users may also notice changes in their interests, motivations, and relationships. Has smoking changed who you spend time with, how you spend that time, or the priorities you have when it comes to school? Are you happy with the changes that have occurred?
The following is a screening test that may also help you better understand your use.
Please answer the following questions about your cannabis use. Select the response that is most correct for you in relation to your cannabis use over the last six months.
- How often do you use cannabis?
- Never (0 points)
- Monthly or less (1 point)
- 2-4 times a month (2 points)
- 2-3 times a week (3 points)
- 4 or more times a week (4 points)
- How many hours were you “stoned” on a typical day when you were using cannabis?
- Less than 1 (0 points)
- 1 or 2 (1 point)
- 3 or 4 (2 points)
- 5 or 6 (3 points)
- 7 or more (4 points)
- How often during the last 6 months did you find that you were not able to stop using cannabis once you had started?
- Never (0 points)
- Less than monthly (1 point)
- Monthly (2 points)
- Weekly (3 points)
- Daily or almost daily (4 points)
- How often during the last 6 months did you fail to do what was normally expected from you because of using cannabis?
- Never (0 points)
- Less than monthly (1 point)
- Monthly (2 points)
- Weekly (3 points)
- Daily or almost daily (4 points)
- How often in the past 6 months have you devoted a great deal of your time to getting, using or recovering from cannabis?
- Never (0 points)
- Less than monthly (1 point)
- Monthly (2 points)
- Weekly (3 points)
- Daily or almost daily (4 points)
- How often during the last 6 months have you had a problem with your memory or concentration after using cannabis?
- Never (0 points)
- Less than monthly (1 point)
- Monthly (2 points)
- Weekly (3 points)
- Daily or almost daily (4 points)
- How often do you use cannabis in situations that could be physically hazardous, such as driving, operating machinery, or caring for children?
- Never (0 points)
- Less than monthly (1 point)
- Monthly (2 points)
- Weekly (3 points)
- Daily or almost daily (4 points)
- Have you ever thought about cutting down, or stopping, your use of cannabis?
- Never (0 points)
- Yes, but not in the past 6 months (2 points)
- Yes, during the past 6 months (4 points)
Scoring: This questionnaire is scored by adding each of the 8 items. Questions 1-7 are scored on a 0-4 scale. Question 8 is scored 0, 2 or 4. Scores of 8 or higher indicate concerning cannabis use. Scores of 12 or higher indicates that you might benefit from exploring your use with a professional.
My hope is that through better understanding your use, you will be able to find ways to make sure that you are in control of your decision to use cannabis, or not.
—By Hillel Samlan, Graduate Teaching Fellow