Practicum Program

Program Philosophy

The University of Oregon Counseling Services program subscribes to a practitioner-scholar model of training. The major goal of the practicum internship training program is to provide high-quality learning experiences to practicum interns in counseling or clinical psychology. 

The primary objectives of this nine-month practicum internship are to train counselors:
  • To learn about the phases of therapy (rapport building, empathy and affective facilitation, cognitive and behavioral work, and termination)
  • To broaden exposure to various theoretical orientations in order to improve case conceptualization skills
  • To increase in-session risk-taking with clients, i.e. “Feel the fear and do it anyway"
  • To increase awareness of issues related to diversity and ethics
  • To develop skills in conceptualizing and intervening with differing client concerns 
  • To participate in facilitating the growth of peers through support and constructive feedback 
  • To learn to take responsibility for getting training needs met and developing skills related to working with a team of professionals, including seeking out those staff most appropriate for consultation about client issues
The secondary learning options of this nine-month practicum internship are:
  • To learn outreach approaches for prevention on a college campus 
  • To learn intake assessment, crisis intervention, and disposition skills
  • To develop skill in group therapy through observation and possible co-leadership

These tasks will be met by individual supervision, practicum seminar/group supervision, clinical consultation team meetings, case presentations, professional development trainings, clinical experiences, and through the trainee’s own interactions with staff and peers. Counseling Services has a strong commitment to training new professionals and welcomes student involvement in our center.

This is a nine month/16-18 hour a week practicum internship which meets the requirements for doctoral level practicum students. It is designed:

  • To train counselors in the formation of an integrated professional identity 
  • To enhance basic professional skills for establishment of therapeutic relationships
  • To conceptualize and provide treatment for a diverse population of students at the University of Oregon 

Counselors have the opportunity to practice both long- and short-term individual therapy with students who have a wide range of concerns and who come from varied backgrounds (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, etc.).

For more information, please contact Counseling Services at 541-346-3227.