Be Well Blog

Let's Talk About It

We are faced with all kinds of challenges in life. It is easy to get caught up in the daily ups and downs. That is why we prioritize self-care and self-actualization to stop, reflect, and reenergize yourself in the midst of difficult times. From writing poetry to meditating or sharing conversation with good friends, self-care should be personalized to what works best for you. Take the time to get to know yourself and be well.

Healthy Substance Use Choices During the Pandemic

I don’t know about all of you, but half-way into this term and I am truly sick of being on my computer. Amid the Covid-19 health crisis, it has become harder to cope with feelings of stress, boredom, and anxiety about the future. After so many days of relying on a screen to help me feel connected, to engage in my coursework, and to complete work tasks, I would happily walk away from my laptop for a long while.


I’m currently employed as the Alcohol and Other Drugs graduate employee at Counseling Services. So, as I sit here on my laptop for what feels like the gazillionth hour this week, I’m thinking about substance use. I’m thinking about people who, like me, are in need of comfort. We need help to deal with life stressors, such as paying rent or getting groceries. We need support as we navigate virtual classes and remote work for the first time. And we need coping skills to help us manage our loneliness and anxiety about the future…

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Caring for Our Relationships During A Time of Stress

Relationships can be a source of meaning, joy, comfort, laughter, love, and excitement. Relationships can also be challenging, particularly when we’re in crisis or under increased stress. Social distancing measures necessitated by the COVID-19 health crisis have left many feeling isolated and alone. Others report feeling confused and even surprised by their own emotions or those reactions of their loved ones.

We know that increased social isolation and stress can contribute to and heighten instances of violence and abuse in relationships. If you are in a violent or abusive situation, please review the resources at the bottom of the page; the UO is committed to providing our university community with support even when we’re not physically on campus together. With these realities in mind, it is critical for us to find ways to care for ourselves and our relationships during this time and…

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Socially Isolated and Bored?

As the COVID-19 virus has forced us to abandon some of our usual activities and routines, many of us are struggling with feelings of boredom.  Perhaps your friends are hundreds of miles away, and contact via social media does not give you the same fulfillment or charge. We are, after all, embodied creatures, and we get nurtured by sensory contact — the very thing that can be dangerous right now.

One question that you might ask yourself is: Are you bored because you are depressed? Boredom and mild depression have a few things in common.  However, simple boredom can be fairly easily resolved by a change of scenery or with the right kind of stimulation. Depression may be a bit more persistent. With boredom your thoughts may be vacuous or characterized by daydreaming. With depression, they are often negative or despairing.

If you are bored and not depressed, keep in…

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Growing and Staying Balanced in the Time of the Virus

Sometimes you are walking along, imagining that you are in a well-manicured park, and suddenly you find yourself in a dark wood. No compass, no map. Hungry and alone. Our country is in a dark wood right now. How we think about this experience and the actions we take will determine our path out of it and the sort of world that will exist when we finally break through the trees.

When you are lost in the woods, it is natural to feel frightened and wonder if you will ever make it out again. You may look back over your recent decisions and berate yourself for not having taken steps to better prepare: Why didn’t I pack more food and water? Why did not I need read up on first aid and bring implements to start a fire?

While we can’t turn the clock back to before the virus, we can gather our wits and our resources and start to move forward with more confidence.

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